Saturday, September 03, 2005

"Blame the nigger!"

In light of the entire nation connecting the dots and the MSM waking up from years of stupor to actually get angry at BushCo, I've wondered when the Right-wing Noise Machine would start spewing idiocy. Until now, it's mostly been racist drivel (see this idiots comment from my last post), "Looters!" but not much else.

Today I got some sense of how the pips would squeak and I have to say, the squeaking is a sorry noise, hardly representative of the quasi-clever quips of previous hand-in-the-armpit wingnut noise-making. Indeed, what's passed as "Support our Preznit" nonsense the last few hours has amounted to the hissing of a balloon on its way to becoming flaccid rubber.

Most of the wingnut spittle has amounted to "it's hard work" in the same resigned, whining sigh echoing Bush's resigned, whining performance in the second Bush/Kerry debate. With that pathetic little soundbite we're supposed to put ourselves in the Preznit's Bass Sperry's and see how we would have done, given the pressures of having been asked to cut our five-week vacation short a day early.

Let me tell you, my four-year old could have put her Powerpuff Girl sneakers on and done a much better job than the four-year old in Chief (am I the only one who is suspicious why he'd name his dog "Barney"? Do you get the sense he did that because "Barney" is his favorite show?).

The pippiest squeak thus far was provided by Ben Stein whose "13 Points No One Should Make Unless They're a Complete Mindless Shill (or the Spread I'm Taking in the Bears vs. the Redskins)" essentially amounted to 11 points stating what an awful disaster Katrina was with the final two points reminding us who is in charge, after all. Uh, I think we got that, Ben, and if that's the money I'll win, well, that hardly fills my tank.

Poonan, on the other hand, was impressed with Junior's lip-diddling press conference but what struck me was her reference to The Cranky Old Man regarding 9/11:
Remember what Dick Cheney said when flight 93 went down in a field in Pennyslvania? He said he had a feeling an act of significant bravery had occurred on that plane.
Cheney's quote being significant since he just managed to step out of the Wyoming anabolic chamber they preserve him in (until they need him to re-invigorate the Death Star) so he could return to Washington to slap Dubya across the head and growl at how everything was foot-fucked while Dick was bathed in the blood of Guatemalan virgins. That and to spur Poonan on with her 30-odd-six, "Shoot those monkeys, you saucy little whore!" while her fat ass slickens her naughahyde seat with a snail-trail of excitement.

Over at the Corner, David "say what you will about those cross-burnings but at least they're patriotic" Frum frets that the "left-wing attacks on the Bush administration," regarding Katrina (because the right-wing attacks were perfectly sensible) are contradictory and proves it by, uh, per incuriam, contradicting himself. I can imagine Frum's shaving ritual, looking at himself in the mirror (an act of extreme courage, I assume), shouting, "You're an idiot!" "Yes you are!" "No, I'm NOT!!!" "Yes you're not but I am!!!"

Considering the impotence of wingnut answers to criticisms of Bush, it's not surpising that the best we get are echoes of some desperate freeper pooch chained to a tree and and howling for kibble. That argument doesn't even make it to a proper blog post bust gets parroted in blog comments, hit-and-run palaver blathering, "Yeah, what about NOLA's mayor?!?"

I don't know where this particularly repulsive meme came from (although, since we all know it amounts to "Blame the nigger!" I asume it was Little Green Footballs) but allow me to enlighten the fuckwits who hold to that tiny-minded argument: the mayor doesn't control Federal assets. In a disaster of this scope (arguably the largest in US history), the Feds move in and try to get everyone fed and housed and the fuck out of the rubble. Read some fucking history (I know, it's something you lack, history and the ability to read) but it's all there, in black and white, shitheads. For fuck's sake, the argument isn't just lame, it's WRONG.

The fact that the right is reacting to the criticism should tell us all something about the impotence of the so-called Republican revolution. The success of conservatives in the past 20 years has been their ability to skirt the impression of being reactionary and have been, almost to a note, proactive in spreading shit, true or not (again, check your history and see how much of it has been "true"). That the best they have is to attack Ray Nagin is an indication of utter desperation. If patriotism is the last resort of a scoundrel (and we all know how often the right has made that tired poppet dance), blaming the nigger is truly the bottom of the barrel. As I saw John Howard say (over at Skippy):
...anyone can make excuses for why this isn't bush's fault, and isn't the administration's fault, and a lot of those excuses might be valid and might be true, but if you want to sit around making excuses for why you can't do anything, then why the fuck do you become the president of the united states in the first place?

Answer that, assholes, before you go after the mayor.


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