Thursday, December 16, 2004

Where Is My Fucking Visit?!?!

Goddamnit, I have been itching for a visit from brownshirted blue-suited Secret Service thugs so they can see how a single dad with three kids gets by well below the line of poverty. I'm dying for those soul-less pieces of crap to come and rough me up in front of my kids so my kids can come to respect the power and lack of integrity of crepping fascism in our country. Furthermore, I want my kids to see how, after another terrorist attack, our moron Preznit had nothing better to do than to send his bullies out to initmidate people exercising their first amendment rights.

For instance, the shit-for-brains Secret Service wasting your tax money to brow-beat a Macon, GA man for his bumper stickers:
Jesse Ethredge doesn't care much for President Bush, and he doesn't hesitate to say so.

In fact, if you're following the 57-year-old Eatonton man down the road, you'll quickly learn just exactly what he thinks of Bush.

"Don't U blame me. Thief -- Liar -- Two Faced Murderer Geo W. Bush. Hell with Bush and all damn Republicans."

Those are the words printed, in plastic stick-on letters, on the back of the camper on Ethredge's truck, which is also adorned with a cartoon child urinating on the word "Republicans."

Those also are the words that earned Ethredge a visit from the U.S. Secret Service last week.

"They came Tuesday, wanting to ask me what did I mean by that there," Ethredge said, pointing to the slogan on his truck. "They asked me a bunch of questions, like if he was to come into my driveway, what would I tell him. I said I'd tell him to get out as fast as he come in it. ... They wanted to see if I was a danger to him."

This isn't the country I grew up learning about. George Bush has fucking ruined this country. I recall how Rethugs whined and pointed fingers when Janet Reno had the ATF storm the Branch Davidian complex. Well, guess what, you dipshits, Koresh was armed to the teeth and was molesting children. Screw his first amendment rights, he got what he deserved. Where is your outrage when people are jailed for wearing a shirt at a Bush circle jerk or when the Secret Service gorillas intimidate old men for their bumper stickers?

Yeah, I thought so you phony fucks...


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